Thursday, October 30, 2008
More proof that online software is the way to go.
Data Mining
money they thought they weren't going to collect on.
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Hiring billing company best bet for medical practice
Hiring billing company best bet for medical practice
If you decide to outsource your billing responsibilities, you should
take the following steps:
* Make sure you interview several companies to compare the way they
provide their services. For instance, some billing companies will
provide you with a terminal that connects your practice with their
billing software so that you maintain the patient demographics at your
office, while others have a more manual approach.
* Compare fees and, more important, the services you receive for those
fees. Billing fees are usually a percentage of the amount that is
collected. These fees can range from 2 percent to 10 percent,
depending upon the services provided and the specialty.
* Find out if the company provides services to other practices in your
specialty. Anesthesia, for instance, requires a very specialized type
of billing.
* Check the company's reputation and standing with your peers, medical
societies and specialty organizations.
Your work isn't done once you hire a billing company: You need to
monitor the effectiveness of its services. Each month, you should get
reports that contain key billing statistics such as the number of days
from the date the service is performed to the date the claim is
entered and the date the payment is made. You need to track on a
rolling 12-month basis your collection ratio as well as monitoring
your accounts receivable.
Susan Reed CPA is a principal of Sax, Macy, Fromm & Co. PC in Clifton.
Participants in Ask the CPA are members of the New Jersey Society of
Certified Public Accountants . More information is available at
Thursday, October 2, 2008
Medical Billing and the Economy
get into this business (we'll teach you MUCH more than that), but
here's a good article on why Medical Billing is a good choice, even
during economic crisis.