Thursday, November 20, 2008

Why wait for updates?

Why would anyone want to wait around for Medisoft to release an
update, then have to pay for it? Our system is updated constantly,
every day, behind the scenes, for FREE.

Friday, November 14, 2008

Microsoft Launches Online Store

You can now download FULL Programs like Windows Vista, Office and Xbox

Online is the way to go.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

American Medical Association - "Heal the Claims Process"

The AMA has large section of their website devoted to helping
Providers "Heal the Claims Process".

You think there are doctors in need of help?

See for yourself:

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

A Look at Health Care Under Obama

We get asked this question a lot: "What would happen if we get a
national health insurance plan under Obama?" Meaning, how would this
affect the medical billing business?

The answer, according to this article: nothing. We already have a
"Public Health Insurance Plan". It's called Medicare. And ABS
Licensees are billing thousands of Medicare claims every day for
doctors. And since this plan would be "open to the uninsured, and
employees who can't get health insurance through an employer", this
would simply mean that there would be a lot more claims generated
through this plan, and, thus, more claims for us to process for the
doctors. Bring it on!

Monday, November 3, 2008

Cash Flow problems on the rise

These are exactly the issues we (you) can help business owners with.