Wednesday, December 31, 2008

National Healthcare

Question: President-Elect Obama wants a universal health care program for the U.S. If he is successful in establishing such a program, what impact will the program have on the medical billing industry and the kinds of services offered through American Business Systems?

Answer: The Obama-Biden plan will not change anything about how our Licensees process claims. We have had a "national healthcare plan" since 1966; it is called "Medicare", and it provides affordable, accessible health care for all Americans over the age of 62.

The Obama-Biden plan, if it passes, builds on the existing healthcare system, and will simply cover millions of additional Americans who do not currently have insurance. It will use existing providers, doctors and insurance plans.*

This means that if doctors are currently doing their own billing in-house, their will be burdened with processing a lot more claims. If they are smart and are outsourcing their billing, it will mean that medical billers will have millions of additional claims to process, which means that this type of national healthcare plan will make this business of processing claims even more profitable for those involved in it.

Here is a direct quote from the plan: "Inefficient and poor quality care costs the nation at least $50 to $100 billion every year. Billions more are wasted on administration and overhead because of inefficiencies in the health care system. Processing paper claims costs twice as much as processing electronic claims. And given current trends, this problem will only get worse as health care spending is expected to double within the next decade. "

All this is good news for Licensees of American Business Systems.
