If you are wondering how President Obama's health care plans will affect the medical billing business, here's what it says on the official White House website:
"The Obama-Biden plan provides affordable, accessible health care for all Americans, builds on the existing health care system, and uses existing providers, doctors, and plans."
So, in addition the the millions of insurance claims being filed every day for Americans who have insurance, the Obama-Biden plan intends to bring a lot more Americans into the existing health care system. That means there will be millions of more claims to be filed ... and they will be file using the "existing health care system". Translation: nothing will change about the way claims are filed and paid; only the number of people and claims coming through the system.
Remember, we have had a "universal" health care plan for many years now; it is called Medicare, and our independent medial billers who are part of the ABS network are filing claims for Medicare right now. Adding millions of more people into the system will only generate that many more claims to be filed.
Which means there couldn't be a better time in the history of the United States to get involved in the business of filing insurance claims. And no one can help you in starting and building your business better than American Business Systems, LLC!